The pharmaceutical industry’s implementation of digital marketing and use of a true multiple channel strategy has been under pressure for the past 10 years as virtually every other industry and sector has surpassed them in both customer-centricity and progress in digital marketing. Many pharma companies both big and small have been testing the integration of a customer engagement digital commercial model during this time. Some may ask, Neil, “What exactly is digital transformation?” Brian Solis, a digital analyst and best-selling author, has done significant amount of work in the digital space defines digital transformation as follows:
Continue reading “The Clock is Ticking: Pharma & Biotech’s Road to Slow Digital Transformation.”Category: Marketing
MCM Optimization: An Inept Plan for Your Marketing Platform Causing Incompetent MCM Strategy!
Now that we are well into Q1 of 2018 with Sales Marketing plans into the implementation phase, each of us our scrutinizing our brands and evaluating how to improve efficiency. It’s time to be able to quantify your strategies and tactics while adjusting to the unique market changes and fluctuations we are all faced with today. As we all know, technology has taken pharmaceutical marketing and revolutionized it in the last 5 years. Channels proliferated, and then converged; information turned into a monster in the cloud and MCM expertise and experience has become a premium for all sectors of the marketing economy.
Your Customers Don’t Want Your Marketing, They Want Your Innovation! (Part 1)
“Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.” ― James C. Collins, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t
Good to Great was published back in 2001; however, I believe the quote above still serves as an overall guide for marketing organizations’ need to create innovation in Continue reading “Your Customers Don’t Want Your Marketing, They Want Your Innovation! (Part 1)”
Re-Think Your MCM Journey
So, where are we now?
I recently have spoken with a few industry leaders at pharmaceutical industry conferences and inevitably they ask “Neil, how can I re-organize the way we do business to maximize my Multichannel and content marketing strategy?” This conversation inevitably leads to a series of Continue reading “Re-Think Your MCM Journey”
MCM Disruption Fueled by the Burst of New FDA Approvals
We all know that the new Multi-Channel Marketing (MCM) can bring a stronger and more efficient focus for your integrated marketing efforts – regardless of your industry vertical. In the past 5 years, I have launched several new products in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry and there has been a shift or ‘disruption’ with more focus on how Continue reading “MCM Disruption Fueled by the Burst of New FDA Approvals”